Sound familiar? You’ve been in business for a while. You’ve got clients. You’re making a decent profit. (Could be more, right?) You’re pretty happy with the state of things, but you know there are improvements to be made.

You’ve experienced the inner shift to take your business to the next level, but your brand needs to catch up.

It’s time for a rebrand. What to do?

Get help.

If you want to take your 5- or 6-figure business to high 6 or even 7 figures, you can’t do it alone. DIY may have been good enough when you were just starting out, but you’re way beyond that now.

You’re smart enough to know that there’s a certain expectation of higher-end clients, and they’re not going to hire you unless they see that you can meet those expectations.

They want to do business with someone who is in alignment with their values; if they’re going to invest in you, they want to see that you’re serious about investing in yourself. (You are, right?)

And if your branding isn’t a reflection of that high-level thinking, you’re turning away high-level clients.

Did you ever think of it that way?

It takes a good minute for entrepreneurs to figure out the relationship between their brand and their bottom line.

Many struggle for years because they jump into creating a business without any real clarity of purpose, DIY-ing it to avoid having to pay a professional….but they don’t realize that they’re not being professional.

I see it over and over and that’s how I came to do what I do. In my “previous life,” I served just about anybody, but in my own rebrand, I reevaluated my mission. My soul purpose is to support other women entrepreneurs in getting their gifts out to the world and expressing their higher purpose to make a greater impact.

I am the objective eye that holds the vision for you. Not only in your visual identity, which is the manifestation of your brand but in everything that goes before that: positioning, clarity, alignment of values, identifying your Dream Client, your purpose…that’s the real essence of your brand.

So once you get all that figured out, it’s reflected in your look, tone, and messaging.

The tweaks can be as much or as little as they need to be in a rebrand. BUT they need to happen.

Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of claims from rock stars in their industry claiming how rebranding increased their bottom line and took them from 5 to 7 figures. That’s not hype. It doesn’t happen overnight, and you still have to get seen, but there’s no doubt that a high-end brand attracts more high-end clients.

Not sure if a rebrand is right for you?

I’ve got a free tool that will help: 10 Tell-tale Signs It’s Time for a Rebrand. Download it here and take the assessment and determine what areas need work.

Could be you just need a brand “refresh” with a few easy tweaks. If it needs more than that, make the investment to get it done. It will be well worth it in the long run.

Carol Ann DeSimine is a speaker, author, coach, and creator of align.believe.create on-purpose coaching. Her passion is empowering purpose-driven entrepreneurial women to make an impact on the world with their game-changing genius. Download 10 Tell-tale Signs, take the assessment, then schedule a free 15-minute Ignite Your Brand coaching session with Carol Ann here.

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